The Lion's Den


Hotel Room

Items Found in the Hotel Room of Jackson Elias

1. A matchbox
Reads "The Stumbling Tiger Bar 10 Lantern Street. Shanghai Fun and Friends!"

2. A blurry photograph
Pictures a large yacht in a harbor, surrounded by Chinese junks. Name of the boat begins with the letters "DAR."

3. A business card
The Penhew Foundation
35 Tottenham Court Road
London, W.1
Edward Gavigan, Director

4. A business card
Emerson Imports
648 W. 47th St.
New York New York
Telephone: HA 6-3900
Handwritten in ink on the back of the card:
Silas N'Kwane

5. A letter, on plain paper, in barely readable handwriting:
Cairo, Egypt
3 January, 1919

Dear Mr. Carlyle,
I am informed that you seek certain knowledge of our land and can perhaps aid you in this. In my possession are singular curios which I most happily believe of interest. These I willingly send for your consideration, if a price can be agreed upon. Naturally they are ancient and must command a goodly sum. I will arrange matters to your satisfaction when your agent calls at my shop, in the Street of Jackals in the Old Quarter.
Until then I remain your most humble servant,
Faraz Najir

6.A flyer for a University Lecture:

Tonight Only!
in Polynesia
& the Southwest Pacific"

a two-hour lecture with slides
delivered by Professor Anthony Cowles, PhD.

of the University of Sydney (Australia,)
and presently Locksley Fellow
of Polynesian Esoterica
at Miskatonic University (Arkham)

Shuyler Hall, NYU
8 PM

7. A typewritten letter, on Harvard University Stationary:
Nov. 7, 1924

Mr. Jackson Elias
c/o Prospero House Publishing
Lexington Avenue, New York City

Dear Mr. Elias,
The book about which you inquired is no longer in our collection. The information you seek may be found here in other volumes. If you will contact me upon arrival, I will be most happy to further assist you.

As Always,
Miriam Atwright

8. A mysterious symbol, carved rather messily into Jackson Elias' forehead.

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